Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses skills and qualities of an effective manager. Jobs has had a tumultuous relationship with the company he founded since he was removed from service and called back by the board after many years of absence (Beckman & Hirsch, 2001). Writing for The Guardian, Smith says that:“To technology freaks and geeks, he is a demigod, whose product launches are adulatory affairs regularly likened to religious revivalist meetings. The Jobs life story – humble birth, rise and fall, then miraculous comeback – has even been likened by Apple fanatics to the heroic myths of Odysseus, Jason, Krishna and Christ (Smith, 2006, Pg. 1).”Therefore it is difficult to separate the man from the company since Jobs is the driving force behind the innovations and technologies created by Apple (Smith, 2006). This is why the paradigm that calls for anti-organizational behavior is so valid for analyzing Apple since the personality of Steve Jobs appears to reflect the radical humanist perspective very well (Burrell, 1979). At the same time, his ways of governing the company look terrifying (Hertzfeld, 1982).When taking an outsider’s perspective towards the company, it is obvious that the company takes guidance and lays a lot of trust in only one man who becomes the power that drives the company forward. Steve Jobs’ hold on the company is absolute and unquestioned since he is famous for his summary ‘executions’ where he has been known to fire people working for the company in the time it takes to go from one floor of the building to another in an elevator. His presence on the company campus is affectionately known as the reign of terror in which anything can happen anywhere at any time (Deutschman, 2000).Normally, an organization takes a lot of time and places a lot of thought into both hiring and firing individuals since there are legal checks which need to be made and decisions like removing people from service can have far-reaching effects on the overall company.

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help