Religious Studies homework help

Religious Studies homework help. What are your thoughts??Leadership and management are the foundation of a department. A solid and strong leadership and management team can lead to a strong driving force of delivering safe and compassionate care. The leadership role is to “focus on group processes, gathering information and providing feedback” (Whitney, 2020). Leaders are more goal oriented and direct other staff members in their duties by delegating tasks. Their goals are to focus on empowering staff members and to developing relationships to enrich their goals. Management roles include “focus on control, decision making, evaluation, and results” (Whitney, 2020). The manager is directly related to the organization and is responsible for firing and hiring staff members. Managers focus on numbers such as finances, patient satisfaction and what is best for the organization. The goals of management and leadership overlap in many ways. Examples of overlapping include clear lines of communication, critical thinking, time management, organization skills and to want what is best for the department. A personal example of management and leadership is the hiring board at which the manager, assistant managers and parts of the leadership team are a part of the interview process. Having each position gives an insight at how a potential employee would make a good fit for the department they were applying for. Being part of a department as a nurse leader, I would use this by changing by building strong and empowering relationships with individual nurses. Each nurse is a piece to the puzzle and without a certain piece, the puzzle would be incomplete. By mentoring each nurse and giving them a goal, will help motivate and uplift the department and with this nurses will provide better and improved patient care.

Religious Studies homework help