Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Need help with my writing homework on Bennet Tyler’s Memoir of the Life, Character and Religious Development of Asahel Nettleton and Evolution of the Role of Magic in the History of the US Advertising. Write a 4500 word paper answering; He is conscious that he is a sinner, and is not ready to meet his Maker. He withdraws from the company of his friends and devotes himself to prayer and the study of the scriptures. However, his attempts “to seek the salvation of his soul” (Tyler, ) through vigorous prayer meet with no success. Nettleton now experiences his dark night of the soul. He is “assailed by infidel doubts” (Tyler, ) and questions the veracity of the Bible and the existence of God. He then comes to realize that his earlier religious services “had been prompted by selfish motives” (Tyler, ) of escaping punishment, and not by true love of God, or genuine repentance. He is influenced by President Edwards’ accounts of religious revival, Brainerd’s memoir, and other sermons. Finally, Nettleton finds that “a great change has been wrought in his views and feelings” (Tyler, ). He is confident in the truth of the doctrines of the Scriptures, and treasures the Saviour. He accepts that his identity is the defined only “by the Grace of God” (Tyler, ). He finds his firm faith and with this, “A sweet peace pervaded his soul” (Tyler, ). However, Nettleton remains humbly ambivalent about his own position in the eyes of God and is always aware of his inherent weaknesses. Nettleton’s conversion covered a long period of ten months. This extended period of self-analysis and study made him eminently suitable for his profession as a minister of Christ. The following account of the conversion of Asahel Nettleton is taken from Bennet Tylers work Memoir of the Life and Character of Rev. Asahel Nettleton, D.D. published in 1844, the year of Nettletons death. &nbsp.”From my earliest age, I endeavored to live a moral life, being taught that God would punish sinners. but I did not believe that I should suffer for the few offenses of which I had been guilty.

Political Science homework help