Languages homework help

Languages homework help. You will prepare and submit a term paper on Psychosocial Strategies with Injured Athletes. Your paper should be a minimum of 3500 words in length. The paper shall define the key points and terms which would be used in it. It shall outline the Wiese-Bjornstal,, model and critically discuss psychosocial strategies. It shall also use evidence of theory and practice relationship.This model is basically an extension of the Andersen and Williams’ antecedents-to-injury model (Horn, 2008, p. 413). The Wiese-Bjornstal model (Wiese-Bjornstal, 1998, p. 46) basically sets forth that the same antecedents which might bring about an injury may also be the very same factors which may affect postinjury adjustment. They emphasize that various personal factors like personality, development level, and injury level. and situational factors like time, season, sports ethos, and available social support affect the way athletes take in and contemplate their injuries (Horn, 2008, p. 413). How athletes would contemplate their injuries also affects their behavioral and emotional responses to recovery (Horn, 2008, p. 413). The Wiese-Bjornstal model is also recursive. In other words, “it captures the dynamic nature of injury responses and rehabilitation” (Horn, 2008, p. 413). In this case, if an athlete suffers a setback during the rehabilitative process, he may then reassess the injuries in terms of their severity and their consequences (Horn, 2008, p. 413). Previous cognitive models did not include the assessment of severity and its consequences. This is the advantage of the Wiese-Bjornstal model as it provides a more comprehensive approach.

Languages homework help