Engineering homework help. A4.1: Chapter 7, Problem 7.1, Cohens Kappa to Assess Reliability with Nominal Data. Write a short narrative of your process, an interpretation of your findings, and write your results. Cut and paste the Case Processing Summary, Crosstabulation, and Symetric Measures tables directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. A4.2: Chapter 7, Problem 7.2, Correlation and Paired t to Assess Interrater Reliability. Write a short narrative of your process, an interpretation of your findings, and write your results. Cut and paste the Paired Sample Statistics, Paired Samples Correlations, and Paired Samples Test tables directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. A4.3: Chapter 7, Problem 7.3, Exploratory Factor Analysis to Assess Evidence for Validity. Write a short narrative of your process, an interpretation of your findings, and write your results to include tables. Cut and paste the Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, KMO and Bartletts Test, Factor Matrix, Total Variance, and Factor Transformation Matrix tables directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. A4.4: Chapter 7, Problem 7.4, Cronbachs Alpha to Assess Internal Consistency Reliability. For each of the following Scales; 7.4a Alpha for the Revised Competency Scale, 7.4b Alpha for the Revised Motivation Scale, and 7.4c Alpha for the Revised Pleasure Scale, complete the following: Write a short narrative of your process, an interpretation of your findings, and write your results. Cut and paste the Case Processing Summary, Reliability Statistics, Item Statistics, Inter?Item Correlation Matrix, and Item?Total Statistics tables directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. Include appropriate headings to clearly show each separate reliability test completed. A4.5, Application Problem ? Measuring Reliability and Validity. Using the hsbdata.sav file, do the following problems. Write a short narrative of your process and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste your outputs directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. a. Write a research question and a null hypotheses relating to the variables mosaic and mosaic2 that could be answered using a paired sample t test. Run the t test and provide a full interpretation if the findings to include the outputs. b. Combine item01, item07, item12, item13 to form a summated scale. Run the Cronbachs alpha for that scale and provide a full interpretation of the findings to include the outputs.