Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. I will pay for the following article The 21st Century Workplace. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Managers have had to take on the role of investors. This is because they are tasked with distributing resources with the sole aim of getting good returns just like investors (Cheverton, 2004). To achieve this role a manager needs to let employees have a say in what they are to do. Thus a discussion if not negotiations need to be employed to achieve the organization’s goal and objectives. Managers play the role of customers in any organization operating in a global workplace. This is because as nature of workforce changes as they become more involved in their work. They cease to be just hired employees but self-employed persons offering their services to customers within the organization who in this case are the managers (Comfort & Franklin, 2011). This makes employees be more robust in their duties. They also point out needs to managers and in the process improve on the organization’s productivity. Managers play the role of sports coaches. An example can be given by professional golfers who have coaches and managers. These two assist the golfers with all matters pertaining to golfing be it sponsorship or travel arrangements. Golfers, however, cannot be sacked by the managers. Actually it is the golfer who fires his manager (Daft & Daft, 2007). This implies that the sports managers though being a coordinator or advisor has no direct authority over the said golfer. This happens to be the direction that managers in the 21st century operating in a global workplace are heading to as in when putting in charge of expensive talent they need to consider a lot of factors or consequences before they can arrive at the decision of sacking them. Managers play the role of partners. The relationship between workforce and managers grows to the extent of being partners as their influence spreads within the organization. They become partners within the organization who are relied upon to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Social Work homework help