Education homework help

Education homework help. Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Population of the country.This paper explores reasons for that.Before the start of the industrial revolution, the CBR and CDR in Canada were both high. The high rate of births can be attributed to the fact that more children went into the work of farming whereas families needed a greater number of children to be able to sustain because of the high rate of deaths. The high death rate can be attributed to the fact that the health and safety conditions of the society were not good. People suffered from different kinds of diseases and lacked hygiene. However, there was a stability in the high CBR and CDR which played a role in slow growth of the population. The CDR did increase dramatically with occasional epidemics for some years.The drop in the CDR in Canada around the mid-18th century is explained by improvement that occurred in the areas of medicine and sanitation. Despite the decline of the CDR, the CBR continued to remain high because of tradition as well as practice. As a result of the declined CDR but sustained CBR, population growth in Canada skyrocketed. Over the passage of time, children in the families became an extra cause of expenditure and were not in the position to help the family run the finances. As a result of that, the CBR in Canada started to decline in the 20th century with the use of advances in the birth control. By the 20th century, the condition of health and safety and the medical facilities for people in Canada were much better than what they were before the start of the industrial revolution. People used the newly found methods of birth control effective in reducing the rate of birth. Although there still occurred rapid growth of population in the 20th century in Canada yet the growth of population began to happen at a slower pace.The CBR and CDR both leveled off in the late 20th century at a low rate in Canada. Much of the growth in population

Education homework help