Engineering homework help

Engineering homework help. Hi, need to submit a 2000 words essay on the topic Critical discussion of Business Ethics and the Internet.SNSs are also identified as medium assisting people and businesses in creating, exchanging as well as sharing information in an effective manner. The increased use of SNSs has raised the issue of business ethics in the present scenario owing to different implications that SNSs pose towards culture, society and politics, which seems to influence behaviour as well as opinions of people especially of children in tremendous manner. In this regard, businesses adopts different business ethics or ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR) policy with the aim of ensuring that privacy and identity of individuals are protected. Additionally, business ethics are adopted with the aim of minimising cybercrime, scams and gambling, which might adversely affect the attitudes of children (Guffey & Loewy, 2013. Jurisova, 2013).In the present business scenario, business ethics play an effective role in ensuring that business operations are conducted in a socially responsible manner. Business ethics are standards along with principles adopted with the intention of ensuring that business operations are performed in adherence with acceptable conducts. Business organisations use SNSs as an effective medium of communicating with customers and other stakeholders successfully. Businesses are identified to adopt stockholders theories in seeking that resources are used with better social responsibility in order to accomplish desired business profitability successfully (Smith & et. al., 2011. Fernanda, 2009). Businesses with the assistance of SNSs are facilitated in conducting business operations with better profit maximization objectives. Businesses are recognised to adopt SNSs with the intention of conducting advertising as well as sales operations in worldwide market segments for obtaining large customer base and supporting their profit earning capabilities. Currently, children are recognised to use to SNSs in an immense manner for gaming, communication and making online friends.

Engineering homework help