Biology homework help

Biology homework help. Assignment Questions for Whole Foods, Inc1.What need state does Whole Foods satisfy in the retail Food Category[Ch 1]2.What is Whole Foods’ strategy? How has it adapted the strategy over time?[Ch 2]3.Assume you are a marketing executive with Whole Foods Inc. and have been charged withdeveloping a social media campaign to increase awareness and trial for the company.  Howwould you go about putting together such a campaign utilizing the 4E framework of social mediamarketing?   [Ch 34.How does Whole Foods Inc. demonstrate that it subscribes to the AMA’s code of ethics asnoted in chapter four of the textbook?   [Ch 4]5. Explain how Whole Foods considered the macro -environment (cultural, demographic, social,      economic, political, legal and technological environments) when the company made decisionsabout its business strategy.  [Ch 5]6. Why are the BRIC countries (BRIC stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China) viewed as potentialcandidates for global expansion for Whole Foods?  [Ch 8]7.a) Outline how Whole Foods segmented its market and determined if  the segments wereattractive and worth pursuing.b). Describe the company’s overall value proposition and how it was positioned to the public.[Ch 9]8. You are a marketing manager at Whole Foods headquarters and it comes to your attention thatin several store locations by the time customers get to the check-out they seem irritated andimpatient. To investigate the problem, you need to implement some market research. Outlinethe market research process you would recommend to management. How would you useprimary data versus secondary data?  [Ch 10]9. a).  From what you learned about pricing how would you summarize the pricing strategythat best fits Whole Foods’  business model; is it Market  Penetration, EDLP, High/ Low, or PriceSkimming?b). How does the company justify this model?  [Ch 15]briefly answer each questions using whole food market.( atleast 75 to 85 words)

Biology homework help