Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Part 1The U.S. has increased the number of laws that protect workers (e.g., Civil Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and Medical Leave Act). Does this legislation replace the need for labor unions? Why or why not?Part 2Select 3 labor laws from the following list:ÿSherman Antitrust Act of 1890ÿRailway Labor Act of 1926ÿNorris-LaGuardia Act of 1932ÿWagner Act of 1935 (also called The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA))ÿTaft-Hartley Act of 1947 (also called the Labor-Management Relations Act)ÿLandrum-Griffin Act of 1959 (also called the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA))ÿAnswer the following questions about the 3 labor laws that you selected:ÿWhat was the purpose of the law; that is, why was it created? Describe the highlights of the law’s provisions.ÿDid the law promote or suppress the union and how?ÿHow did this law protect consumers?Make sure you cite references using APA style.Part 3 Power point8-10 slides with 200-250 words of speaker notesCase StudyAfter much labor and management conflict, this integrated managed care consortium and over 25 unions created this labor management partnership (LMP). Today, it is considered a model of union and labor partnerships for the future of labor and management relations. This collaboration involved over 90,000 workers and changed the fabric of union and management relationships. Instead of being a competitive bargaining process, it became a collaborative partnership of mutual respect to a goal of mutual gains. The collaboration resulted in improved services (increased patient satisfaction), improved financial results, and happier employees. Many are encouraging this model to become a standard for future union and management negotiations. Review the resources provided in your phase resources. Develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:Part 1Name 1 union that was part of this partnership?Discuss what type of union (craft, industrial, general, white collar) and whether it is a federation or local union.Identify 5 key elements that made this partnership so successful.Do you think this model could be used in other organizations? Justify your answer.Part 2The value of the partnership was the fact that both parties bargained in good faith and were able to come to agreement on all mandatory collective bargaining items. It is important to understand details of this process. Answer the following:What is good faith bargaining?Define an impasse. If labor and management comes to an impasse, does that mean that they did not engage in good faith bargaining? Justify your answer.Name 3 items that are mandatory in the collective bargaining (e.g., items that must be in the union contract). Why do you think these are mandatory items for a collective bargaining contract?Name 1 illegal item that is forbidden by law to be included in the collective bargaining process. Why do you think the law forbids bargaining around this item?Please submit your assignment.ReferencesKaiser Permanente. (n.d.). Retrieved from Management Partnership. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sociology homework help