Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Prenatal Development Article Exploration InstructionsThe purpose of this assignment is to increase your knowledge of prenatal development and to help you learn to use scholarly research effectively. You will: 1) locate and download a scholarly article from the online library; 2) explore the content, identifying pertinent information; and 3) write a clear and concise description of your experience. In addition, you will also gain experience in using a new software program (Adobe Reader).Assignment Instructions:1.      Select 1 article from the list provided below (page 2 of this document).2.      Download a PDF copy of the article If you do not have the free Adobe PDF Reader installed on your computer, please download it from here I3.      Read the article, identifying the following information by highlighting the text and labeling it with a comment bubble (see the sample article provided in the Assignment Instructions folder).a.          Journal information (name, date, volume/issue, page range).b.         Titlec.          Author named.         Author credentialse.          Purposef.           Hypothesisg.         Significant terms and definitionsh.         Characteristics of the subjects and method of selectioni.           Methodology: how was the study conducted?j.           Resultsk.         Conclusion: was the hypothesis supported?l.           Limitation(s) of the studym.       Strength(s) of the studyn.         Recommendations (in a comment bubble at the end of the article indicate how this data might be used in future research; one sentence is sufficient, but be substantive.)o.         References4.      Write a brief reaction to this exercise.In 250–400 words, describe what you learned about prenatal development, and what you learned about the scientific study of developmental psychology. Conclude by answering this question: what skills or abilities will help you improve your skills in using scholarly resources?5.      Submit your work.a.       Upload the PDF of your chosen article with comments and highlighting noted above.b.      Upload your reaction paragraph by attaching a separate MS Word document.Choose one of the following articles:Bosquet Enlow, M., Devick, K. L., Brunst, K. J., Lipton, L. R., Coull, B. A., & Wright, R. J. (2017). Maternal lifetime trauma exposure, prenatal cortisol, and infant negative affectivity. Infancy, doi:10.1111/infa.12176Chang, H., Yu, C., Chen, S., & Chen, C. (2015). The effects of music listening on psychosocial stress and maternal-fetal attachment during pregnancy. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 23(4), 509-515. doi:, P. G., Wells, D. L., Dornan, J. C., & Lynch, C. (2013). Long?term flavor recognition in humans with prenatal garlic experience. Developmental Psychobiology, 55(5), 568-574. doi:10.1002/dev.21059Hollams, E. M., de Klerk, N.,H., Holt, P. G., & Sly, P. D. (2014). Persistent effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on lung function and asthma in adolescents. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 189(4), 401-7. Retrieved from, K., Bertram, C. P., Orr, A. P., & Clarren, S. (2015). Salivary cortisol levels are elevated in the afternoon and at bedtime in children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcohol, 49(1), 79-87., J., Richard, J. E. and Gazley, A. (2014), The perfect little bump: Does the media portrayal of pregnant celebrities influence prenatal attachment? Psychology & Marketing, 31(9), 758–773. doi:10.1002/mar.20732

Physics homework help

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