Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Chinas Economy Today.The thesis statement must be succinctly identified and explicitly stated in the last sentence of the introductory paragraph (like for instance: The purpose of the essay is, therefore, to describe China’s economy today.) It is commendable that sub-headings were structured to clearly divide topics being discussed. To answer the question on the roles of the state and non-state sectors, the author effectively explained the specific sectors, with the provision of relevant statistics prior to identifying the roles. However, under the sub-headings, further classifications could enhance clarity of the issues being discussed (for example under Private Sector and Market Economy, there could be further classifications such as Definition of Terms, Historical Overview or Timeline, and Statistics, as appropriate). The facts and information, especially statistics were relevant and updated. The use of predominantly online sources focusing on publications and periodicals could still be improved by searching for academic sources from peer-reviewed journals or even books. Improvement in citations and referencing could still be made by reviewing the consistency of the footnotes and numbering. as well as in providing a Reference List at the end of the essay. The contents effectively addressed the chosen questions. The essay could still be improved by citing more academic sources, reviewing the consistency of citations and referencing, and in following other formal rules in essay writing such as the use of acronyms, among others.

Anthropology homework help

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