International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Need an argumentative essay on Review of of John Kotter and Dan Cohen’s book, The Heart of Change. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages… For people to change their behaviour, they should be shown the truth that influences their feelings. Failures in change management occur mostly in large organizations where managers deal with mergers, acquisitions, new strategies, globalization, cultural transformation, e-business, new technologies, and new structuring of the whole organization or departments of an organization. The two authors found out that: Successful organizations know how to defend the organization against anything that rejects changes. The organizations know how to avoid risks and make use of arising opportunities. They recognize the importance of continuous improvement and know that taking big leaps have bigger rewards. That change is a complex affair that goes through eight stages. The stages are. creation of a sense of urgency, creation of visions and strategies, putting together a guiding team, removal of barriers of action, effective communication of vision and strategies, carrying out short term wins, creation of a new culture and making it persist, and keeping the work consistent (Kotter &amp. Cohen, 2002, p. 2). Main focus in change management in the eight stages is the people’s behaviour. … Ivancevich, Robert Konopaske and Michael T. Matteson”. Discussion Summary of ‘Organizational Behaviour and Management’ by John M. Ivancevich, Robert Konopaske and Michael T. Matteson The book covers organizational management through explanation of various issues in organizational behaviour, organizational culture, individual differences and work behaviour, perceptions, attributions and emotions, and motivation. Organizational behaviour: This is viewed in a multidisciplinary manner. This explains various points about it. Organizational behaviour is believed as operating at individual, organization and group levels. These levels must be defined when studying organizational behaviour. Organizational behaviour makes use of theories, principles, models, and methods from other disciplines. A third point is that organizational behaviour encompasses a distinct humanistic orientation. People and their learning capacities, attitudes, goals, perceptions and feelings are very important to the organization (Ivancevich, Konopaske &amp. Matteson, 2011). Organizational behaviour is performance oriented. The book recognises the role of leaders in organizational behaviour. It describes how everything facing a leader in an organization is in motion and churning. It also explains that a leader accomplishes success through properly aligning the human resources of the organization with the changing conditions, understanding of the organizational structure and design, the organization’s environment, group behaviour, individual characteristics, decision making, and organizational change processes. It communicates the following about workers.

International Development homework help

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