History homework help

History homework help. Part 2. Exercise QuestionsRefer to the following scenario for Questions 1, 2, and 3: You are a database administratorworking for a national bank institution. One day, a lead developer sends you an e-mail requestingthat you perform a data change. In the e-mail, he stresses the urgency and importance of this task.A minute later, you receive another e-mail but this is from the lead developer’s manager toconfirm the data change. This is the first time you have ever received this type of request.Usually, all requests go through the change management process. You can answer the questionfrom a framework of CIA.Question 1. List the security issues involved in this incident.Question 2. Describe the type of risks involved if you comply with the request and the types ofrisk involved if you do not.Question 3. Explain briefly how you would react to this incident, outlining your reasoning andwhether you would comply or not.Question 4. define the principle of least privilege. Why is this an importantconcept to database security?Question 5. describe the concept of defense in depth as it pertains toinformation security. List and explain at least three examples of security measures that can beimplemented in a “defense in depth” strategy.

History homework help

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