Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Need an argumentative essay on Cin the Aztec Civilization. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.Much of what has long thought to be true about the long-lost Aztec empire, including their sacrificial rituals involving cannibalistic practices, traces back to the information compiled by a Franciscan monk named Bernardino de Sahagun. Sahagun’s work, the Florentine Codex, was a detailed accounting of the cultural beliefs and practices of the Aztec people,designed primarily for the purpose of instructing other Christian missionaries in how best to facilitate the conversion of the indigenous tribes to Christianity. It is certainly interesting, of course, if not necessarily truly ironic that the one of the fundamental doctrines of Catholicism is transubstantiation, or the consumption of bread and wine that has been transformed into the actual flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. An argument can therefore be made that the religious conversion of the Aztecs was ignited in part due to their practices of human sacrifice and cannibalism was instructed by Europeans who themselves practiced a form of cannibalism and whose entire religion is based on the necessity of a human sacrifice.

Sociology homework help

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