Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Literature 3. It needs to be at least 500 words.This play’s arc revolves around ridiculing men, or rather the cuckold, who is embarrassingly not aware about his wife’s infidelity and sexual romps with other men. In this case, this play appears to be celebrating women while it lambasts at the misogynist tendencies of men against women. Either way, Moliere’s play is determined to expose duplicity and vice in the French civilization.Likewise, A Doll’s House is a feminist play about a woman expunging herself from relationship that, from her spot of examination, has been a lie. There is something wrong in Nora’s and Torvald’s relationship. Nora’s delusions about her husband are crushed. Furthermore, her husband does not really love her. Torvald is only worried about the fact that his wife committed an offense and the possible dishonor distress him. When Nora realizes that Torvald is only concerned about his career and reputation, she gets overtly distressed. At this point, Ibsen depicts that these two contrasting ethical codes in divergence as battle of sexes.Moliere depiction that when women left to her own diplomacy would inescapably drift toward sin, is a perfect example of battle of sexes. French Christian cultures persistence to perceive female sexuality as a threat that must be restrained, and that chastity was the most significant trait for a woman to hold, is another excellent example of battle of sexes.William Blake’s The Tyger is an absorbing honest appraisal of the Protestant Church. This epic poem is seen as Blake’s theological reservation about the incentives of Creation itself. Without doubt, Blake in this unrepentant poem, The Tyger sheds some trapping of light into the numerous challenges that would be the idealistic and theological foundation of his Romantic artistry.William Blake’s poem The Tyger is clearly, evidently primed on an important analyses. The analysis includes the French Revolution’s impact on

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help