Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HCCS Critical Criminal Issues Involving Minors and Sentencing Discussion

After reviewing the determinate sentence in Texas and the articles about juvenile offenders. What are your thoughts about determinate sentencing in Texas? Would these offenders be better served in the adult system? What (3) offenses would you remove or add from the determinate sentence list and why? Now you need to implement one (1) different way of addressing serious juvenile offenders in Texas?


Your response should be at least 350 words. Then you need to write 300 words of your opinion.(No citation, direct quoting, plagiarism.) (Links to an external site.)

  • If, you only complete half the assignment you only get half the points.
  • No plagiarism in your post.
  • Please proofread your post for clarity.
  • Direct quotes===If you directly quote another source you need to reference it correctly. See the example below:

Law Homework Help