Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. APCLA Chicano Feminism Discussion

Lecture: Early 17th Century Chicana Feminist Thought Honoring Our Mexican Foremothers- Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz and “Cloistered Feminism.” 

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz developed the concept of “Cloistered Feminism” (Challenging religion, patriarchy, Mexican nationalism, subordination, and sexism within the Roman Catholic Church.

READ:  PDF file Sor Juana (my-favorite-feminist-sor-juana-ines-de-la-cruz) & “Hombres Necios” (Links to an external site.)

READ:  In Decolonizing Methodologies by Linda Smith, “Introduction,” 1-19 and “Imperialism, History, Writing and Theory,” 20-43.


Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz- Documentary- NHD 2017

INSTRUCTIONS:  Three paragraphs max. allowed for each prompt.  Bold all terms in your responses as listed below.  Follow the instructions and format, plus save all your work.

POST 1: Title “Sor Juana.” Based on lecture.

A) What is Cloistered Feminism? Define based on lecture. B) How does this early Chicana feminist theory empower Be specific and provide an example? C) How does Cloistered Feminism challenge patriarchy and blatant sexism within religious Catholic institutions? D) How does it empower Mexican women of this era? E) Provide an image of Sor Juana that inspires you and discuss why it is empowering.  Cite all work.

POST 2: Title “Decolonizing Knowledge.” Bold terms below.

According to Smith’s book Decolonizing Methodologies address the following prompts: A) What does Smith argue about the process of decolonial research in “Imperialism, History, Writing, and Theory?”  Be specific and define this important concept. B) What is her argument about Imperialism and Writing exactly? C) Why does Smith argue it is important to decolonize knowledge C) What empowers you as a critical feminist thinker about her work?  Be specific and cite the book for full credit i.e. (Smith 2012).

POST 3: Title Documentary.” Watch –

Humanities Homework Help