Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Post University Maturity Models Discussion

x2 replies to Missing Victim discussion :

1.There has to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Without a body theres no proof that crime has even been commited. There for you Even if there was a confession a person cant be charged with a criminal act. Acccording to Corpus Delicti a confession alone cant convict a person.There has to be act where the person caused the harm. So the body woudld have to be found to prove the bodily harm had taken place.

2.In cases where the victim is missing, it is hard for the prosecution to prove the extent of the Actus Reus or the harm caused by the offender on the victim. Although admission is undoubtedly helpful to police and prosecutors, it alone cannot establish innocence or guilt. Criminal law requires typically that the corpus delicti, a Latin phrase for “the body of the crime,” be proved before a person gets sentenced to wrongdoing (Gaines, L. K. & Miller, R. L. (2018), page 76-page 77.)

On May 24, 2019, Jennifer Dulos, a Connecticut mother who mysteriously vanished. Her body has not been found, but police continue to look for remains to comfort her family. Jennifer Dulos’ ex-husband was charged with kidnapping and murder, but unfortunately, he died following a suicide attempt in January 2020 before standing trial. Prosecutors believe that a hole at the Windsor Rod & the Gun Club in East Granby was dug by a family attorney of Fotis Dulos estranged husband. Despite months of searches, Jennifer Dulos body has not been found, including an exhaustive search of facility garbage in Hartford ( I believe Corpus delicti applies in this case since her body is nowhere to be found, but there’s plenty of evidence showing that he is somehow involved in his ex-wife’s murder (

x2 replies to on Bribes


If i was a new officer and knew someone was using their power for the wrong reasons a part of me would want to let someone know but a part of me wouldnt. it can be dangerous to get involved in other peoples bussiness.


This week’s readings focus on Chapter 4: Law Enforcement Today (pp.99-125). This scenario is a touchy subject as both remaining quiet and speaking to someone about the offenses could pose dire consequences as a recruit. Of course, corroboration to back up any allegations is essential as it would be my word against another officer. Morally, I would say that I took an oath to uphold the law and prevent crimes, and seeing another officer go outside the scope of behavior is intolerable (Gaines & Miller, 2018). I would speak to someone in a higher position, as corruption at any level is unethical, especially if it is one’s supervisor. Officers should exhibit high levels of integrity while on and off duty in their capacity as keepers of the criminal law system (Newburn, 2012). They should maintain law and order in society while expressing public morality (Gaines & Miller, 2018). Internal Affairs is a section of law enforcement where one can divulge any grievances or wrongdoing. The downside to informing higher-ups of this indiscretion could lead to other force members turning against me, and there could be repercussions after voicing a complaint.

x2 replies to maturity models discussion :


Chandra (2008) states that “The process of conducting an assessment is simply evaluating an organization to determine the Maturity Level at which it is performing” (p.21). The assessment is to determine which activities and objectives are completed for all of the practices.

Chandra (2008) explains that “The building blocks of the model are the three maturity levels defined for each of the twelve security practices” (p.3). Each practice has activities that help to achieve that practice’s objective. The higher the level, the more detailed the objective. For a practice to be considered level two, all activities in level one, then all activities in level two must be completed. There are two types of assessment, lightweight and detailed. According to Chandra (2008), both assessments use worksheets and assign scores to each practice, however, the detailed method also audits the activities to ensure they are represented, as well as using success metrics to measure performance (p.21). 

2. Maturity models are important to a businesses success, it helps a business evaluate their effectiveness on there day to day business processes. Using maturity models increases productivity in not only software development but in any environment, maturity models shows a company how capable they are in achieving continuos improvements. All companies big and small will always have improvements in one way or another, whether it’s production of parts or even developing software. I worked for a Japanese auto company for many years and the company had audits by management every week, we would walk around the shop every monday morning and would audit each line for problems we would see and would need improved whether it was line flow or reprogramming a welding robot to produce more parts.

     According to Data Management(2021, Par.1) lists the characteristics of a maturity level as ” Level 1 – Processes unpredictable and poorly controlled, Level 2 – processes are characterized for projects and is often reactive, Level 3 – Processes characterized for the organization and is proactive, Level 4 – Processes measured and controlled, Level 5 – Focus on process improvement.”  Level 4 is processes measured and controlled is a very important step in achieving a companies goal by controlling improvements and not doing too many at once. The levels are how assessments are done in maturity models, and companies should strive to mantain all levels of the maturity models to continue success.

Law Homework Help