Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Impacts of Employee Orientation on Job Satisfaction Research Paper

Final research paper, usually related to the previously submitted research proposal (but could be unrelated).

A typical paper structure would be the following — but feel free to deviate from this if it doesn’t seem to fit your research project well.

Abstract – executive (roughly 150 word) summary of the entire paper (2 marks)

I. Introduction – what is the research project about? (2 marks)

II. Motivation – why is this topic important? (2 marks)

III. Background – what background knowledge do we need to understand the research? (2 marks)

IV. Research Method – introducing research questions and methods for data collection and analysis

IV.A Research Questions – what is your research question / are your research questions? (3 marks)

IV.B Data Collection – what data did you collect (describe in enough detail that somebody else could reproduce)? (5 marks)

IV.C Data Analysis – how did you analyse this data (describe in enough detail that somebody else could reproduce)? (5 marks)

V. Findings – what did you find, i.e., what is the answer to your research question(s)? (3 marks)

VI. Discussion – how do you interpret the findings? This is where you can speculate a bit. (2 marks)

VII. Threats to Validity – what threats affect the validity of your findings? (7 marks)

VIII. Related Work – how does your research fit in with other researchers’ work? (3 marks)

IX. Conclusions – a quick summary and concluding remarks (2 marks)

X. Future Work – what should others do next based on your work? (2 marks)

References – at least 15

Mathematics Homework Help