Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCM 4010 Middle Tennessee University Legal Standards & Construction Law Project






Introduction. Write a one-page introduction that separately introduces the function and legal nature of (1) prime and (2) subcontract agreements from a general contractor’s perspective. The content in this section must be informed by material covered in course lectures, the main text, sample contracts provided by the instructor (attached to this assignment), and outside sources from individual research.

There is a great deal of flexibility and students are encouraged to focus on legal concepts they find interesting and want to explore further. The paper must be suitable for the intended audience: interested and well-educated construction professionals, but not a highly technical (lawyers) or academic audience.

Note: Include a main section heading for the introduction to clearly delineate content for this section.

Review of prime contract agreement clauses. Choose two clauses from the prime contract that was provided by the instructor and write a two-page critical analysis (one page per clause) that addresses each of the following for each of the clauses:

    1. What is the general intent or purpose of the clause? What are the ethical considerations related to this clause?
    2. Which party does the clause favor? In your opinion, from a general contractor’s perspective, does the clause favor the right party? Explain your answer.
    3. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the clause?
    4. What, specifically, would you change about the clause?

Note: At a minimum, include a main section heading for each of the clauses you are writing about to clearly delineate content for this section.

Review of subcontract agreement clauses. Choose two clauses from the subcontract agreement that was provided by the instructor and write a two-page critical analysis (one page per clause) that addresses each of the following for each of the clauses:

  1. What is the general intent or purpose of the clause? What are the ethical considerations related to this clause?
  2. Which party does the clause favor? In your opinion, from a general contractor’s perspective, does the clause favor the right party? Explain your answer.
  3. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the clause?
  4. What, specifically, would you change about the clause?

Note: At a minimum, include a main section heading for each of the clauses you are writing about to clearly delineate content for this section.

Summary analysis and reflection. Write a one-page analysis that addresses the following questions:

  1. What did you learn over the course of the semester and/or during this exercise?
  2. What did you learn about yourself?
  3. What did you learn about human nature?
  4. How will you apply what you have learned to become a better builder and professional?

Note: Include a main section heading for the summary analysis and reflection to clearly delineate content for this section.



Subject matter content will account for 150 points (above detailed work). The remaining 50 points will be allocated by formatting/writing style and written communication (5 points), oral communication and presentation – SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS (35 points), information literacy (5 points), and critical thinking (5 points). Title and reference pages are required and each paper must be at least six pages in length with 1” margins, double spacing, and Times New Roman font (12-point in type size).

The submissions MUST reflect critical thought and professional writing. Points will be deducted for every instance in which (1) a position is not fully supported, (2) spelling and grammatical errors become excessive, (3) a question is not fully addressed, (4) sources are not properly cited, (5) content lacks relevance, and (6) content is not organized and arguments are not framed in a manner that is logical, comprehendible, and compelling.

Presentation. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with recorded audio embedded (of YOU presenting the material) for each slide of the presentation. VoiceThread or equivalent is an acceptable presentation medium as well – if you choose this option make sure share links settings are set to be viewable by others. At a minimum there must be visual and audio components to the presentation portion. There must be a minimum of seven slides (including title page) that addresses highlights from each section of the paper.

BE SURE to check all work prior to submitting in D2L. Re-submissions will not be allowed after the due date if incorrect files were submitted or not working. Get the assignment done in time for you to check your work and verify you are submitting the correct files/requirements.

Private Works Prime Contract.pdf (45.37 KB)
Private Works Subcontract.pdf (40.26 KB)
Consensus Docs 200 – Agreement and General Cond… (1.5 MB)
Consensus Docs 205 – Short Form Agreement Betwe… (570.49 KB)
Consensus Docs 750 – Agreement Between Construc… (1.04 MB)
Consensus Docs 751 – Short Form Agreement Betwe… (537.4 KB)

Other Homework Help