Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Strayer University K 12 Experience Report

From Kindergarten through 12th grade, we spend over 14,000 hours in a school environment. 

Many argue that schools help to, in some form or fashion, shape our thoughts, ideas, and 

even values. Through education, we interact with likeminded people, people who have 

differing views than ourselves, and we learn so much about the world around us. Many of us 

are fortunate to complete K-12 schooling successfully, while others are not so lucky due to a 

variety of personal and societal issues that become a hindrance in the attainment of a solid 


For this assignment, you are to write a 500-650 word essay “telling your educational story.” 

You are expected to have an open an honest dialogue regarding your experiences in K-12 

schooling: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some questions to consider for this assignment 

might include: 

How did your K-12 schooling help to shape some of the views you have on 

  • society? 

How did your K-12 schooling help you (or not) get to where you are today? 

  • Was your experience similar to that of your friends or peers? 
  • Were there teachers that went above and beyond to assist you? Were there some 
  • who did not? 

Are there any particular highlights within your schooling experience that continue 

  • to influence you today? Are there negative experiences that you remember? 

How did you experiences influence your decision to go into the field of 

  • education? 

Other Homework Help