Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. New Media Social Media Impact on Mental Health Research Paper

Instructions for Research Proposal and Annotated BibliographyYour proposal is a short written assignment that clearly outlines what you intend to do for your final project. It should do three basic things: (1) provide a clear outline of the CONTENT of your proposed project,(2) indicate why it is a significant and worthy topic of investigation, and (3) outline the FORM of your final project and how you propose to organize and produce it.Your annotated bibliography should have 2scholarly sources, none of which are assigned as course readings(you can use course readings as sources for your final project, but NOT for the proposal). Each bibliographic entry should provide (1) a full and properly formatted citation, (2) a very brief summary of the source, and (3)a brief description of how it is appropriate to your chosen research topic.


Component #1 the CONTENT of your projectFor the content of your major project, you may choose one of two focuses. Each of these asks you to choose a particular social, political or economic problem, issue or question that is related to the “new media” you wish to do your project on. As for focus, you can choose:(A) to do an analysis of a contemporary new mediatechnology (please see the Contemporary New Media Review assignment for a list of possible technologies) OR (B) an analysis of an older media technology when it was an example of new media. Some possible older forms of new media”includevideo(camcorders, VCRs, etc.),television,photography, film,radio,the phonograph,newspapersor other established old media.

Writing Homework Help