Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Portland Community College Suggary Drinks Question

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Here are some topics that have been selected in recent times:

Choose one of them

  • sugary drinks
  • children rights
  • gender-specific clothes/toys
  • free range parenting
  • “extended” breastfeeding (after age 2)
  • necessity of preschool

STEP 2 – Conduct Your Research:

Now that you have selected your topic and conducted some background research, it is time for you to delve deeper into understanding your topic. You will now need to find at least two journal articles that provide more insight into your topic. You may also reference information from national organizations that focus on child development (American Academy of Pediatrics, UNICEF, etc.) but you must have at least two journal articles cited on your final graphic. As you find your research articles you will also want to use the library’s “cite” feature to create an APA formatted reference to include at the bottom of your infographic.

STEP 3 – Create Your Infographic:

It is now time for you to pull out some interesting facts from your research and create your infographic. Your objective is to create an interesting visual (think: infographic) so that an outside observer could quickly learn at least four new things by looking at it (remember your infographic must contain information not already found in the course materials). It must include at least two images (pictures, charts, and graphs all count as images) and text created in your own words (a brief direct quote properly cited is ok but the majority of your graphic should be written by you). Include your references in APA format at the bottom of the graphic (remember that at least 2 of these references need to be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Please do not feel overwhelmed by creating a visual! You can think of it as making a simplified “poster” about the topic you selected. You may design the poster in any medium you desire, including Google Docs, Google Slides, Photoshop, or one of the following programs:

  • Canva is really easy to use and convenient because it has tons of free shapes and designs for you to use.
  • Infogram is a fabulous tool if you want to include a chart or graph in your infographic.
  • Easel.ly has some great pre-designed Infographic options to work with.
  • Piktochart also has a great library of templates (this is what I used to create our visual syllabus)

If you need some ideas of what an infographic looks like you can see the PCC library’s infographic on types of sources, a student created infographic on transgender pregnancy, a student created infographic on granny midwives, or a student created infographic on gender reveal parties. [note that these student examples come from a previous version of this assignment that asked students to cover the pregnancy and prenatal period of development, none of these examples would be appropriate for a early childhood infographic]

STEP 4 – Reflection:

Using your preferred word processing software write a reflection paper between 200-500 words long that explains what you learned about the topic from your research. Make sure you include a response to all 4 of the following questions:

  1. How did your research on the topic go beyond what was mentioned in the course materials?
  2. Do you think future students would benefit from learning about your research topic?
  3. How did the creation of the infographic itself go? (Make sure to include information on what you used to create the graphic)
  4. Are you satisfied with your final graphic? What is one change you would make if you had the time?

Writing Homework Help