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Other Homework Help. The Mayo Powerhouse Discussion

The Mayo Clinic is arguably the most widely recognized healthcare brand in the nation, and possibly in the world. This brand success stems from a deliberate and well-defined marketing program that can trace its roots to the founding Mayo brothers. This discussion examines the processes Mayo uses to maintain its market position. By understanding successful integration of marketing principles into healthcare management, you become better prepared to define the value of an institution and convey that value to its various constituencies.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Define and describe communications channels used in healthcare marketing.


  • Textbook: Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach
  • Website: 5 Reasons Why Mayo Clinic Dominates Social Media in Healthcare
  • Website: The Big Brand Theory: How the Mayo Clinic Became the Gold Standard for Social Media in Healthcare

Background Information

Founding Mayo brother Charles H. Mayo, M.D., said in 1931, “Today the only thing that is permanent is change.” Those words were prescient of today’s volatile healthcare market. Extensive regulation, increasing consumerism – driven by private insurances, the Affordable Care Act, social networking, and intense competition demand the understanding and application of marketing principles and techniques. If a healthcare entity cannot define its value, it will likely not survive.

The Mayo Clinic’s reputation for excellence is rooted in its orientation of each and every employee to the values, mission, and processes used by that health system. Mayo defines the use of its name, the beliefs that drive its people and services, and the values held across the health system. Every associate, from the system CEO to the most junior housekeeper, is provided with Mayo’s marketing guidelines. If there is such a thing as a premium brand in healthcare, Mayo is it.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach, read Chapter 10: ‘Communication’.
  3. Read these web pages:
    1. 5 Reasons Why Mayo Clinic Dominates Social Media in Healthcare:
    2. The Big Brand Theory: How the Mayo Clinic Became the Gold Standard for Social Media in Healthcare:
  4. Revisit the Mayo Clinic websites you visited in Workshop Two.
  5. Navigate to the discussion thread and answer the following questions:
    1. What communications channels does the Mayo Clinic employ? What value do they generate for the organization?
    2. One of the messages in the textbook is that everyone in a healthcare organization should be a marketer. How does the Mayo Clinic achieve this, or does it?
    3. What biblical principles are demonstrated in the Mayo Clinic’s communications?

Other Homework Help