Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. SDSU Economic Disparities and Inequality to Access Healthcare Presentation

Pick a current issue in global health (ideally something not in the US) that you want to know more about. Research the issue and think about the most important concepts you would want other students to know. Create an 6-8 slide PowerPoint to teach the class. You only have to turn in the powerpoint (you don’t have to record your voice over it), so you want to make sure your slides can “stand alone,” meaning someone should be able to review them and get the relevant content without having to actually hear a lecture. Make sure to include your sources.


Please include the following points in your presentation:

  • Identify and define the topic of interest, including your region of interest
  • Provide some statistics or other key facts about your topic of interest
  • Discuss how you would address the issue using the SEM.
  • THEN reply to a peer. Review their presentation and comment on what you found interesting about the presentation and any information you think may be missing.

Health Medical Homework Help