Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of South Florida Ethics and Morals Questions

I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

Each student will write essay responses that demonstrate that they have met the 15 course objectives and student learning outcomes. Each response should be no less than 100 words. This will include a written self-evaluation of performance and oral evaluation during the final class. Students should address each objective and outcome. However, since there is some overlap among discipline, global citizen and enhanced general education objectives and outcomes, students may address more than one objective or outcome in a single response provide the specific objectives and outcomes are clearly identified and the rational for combing them is clear. These short essays should document student learning relating to each objective and outcome. Documentation can be reference to previous class work submitted either in writing or orally as well as discussion of significant learning. Below are the student learning outcomes and course objectives that should be the focus of your assignment.

Course Objectives

1A. Compare and contrast the ethical claims of the most significant moral theories and practices.

2A. Construct a model for systematic moral analysis based on elements of critical thinking, moral theory, and moral psychology.

3A. Students will define and explain limitations posed by multiple challenges to the possibility of ethical leadership.

4A. Students will develop capacities for moral action.

5A. Increase self-awareness with regard to values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

6A. Apply professed values, beliefs, and attitudes that express concern for others.

Student Learning Outcomes


1B. Demonstrate ethical self-awareness as well as understanding of different ethical perspectives, concepts, constructs, and practices.

2B. Demonstrate the ability to utilize the model for systematic moral analysis to examine and solve complex ethical issues.

3B. Demonstrate the ability to propose appropriate and effective responses to challenges to the possibility of ethical leadership.

4B. Demonstrate increased ethical issue recognition as well as evaluation and application of different ethical perspectives, concepts, constructs, and practices.

Global Citizen

5B. Explore how one’s worldview is shaped by personal values, identity, cultural rules and biases by demonstrating an understanding and application of different perspectives, concepts, constructs, and practices related to competing moral theories.

6B. Evaluate the impact of individual choices on local and global communities by demonstrating the ability to examine, address, and apply the concepts of systematic moral analysis to resolving ethically complex situations.

Enhanced General Education: Ethical Reasoning/Civic Engagement

7B. Demonstrate the ability to comprehend, express, and adapt to ideas based on others’ perspectives.

8B. Independently and accurately apply ethical perspectives and concepts to ethical questions or civic projects as appropriate and demonstrate the ability to consider the full implications of this application.

9B. Demonstrate an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities.

Writing Homework Help