Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MBM College Rate of Rection Average Rates Questions

Chapter 7 Questions

  1. Define V0
  2. What is meant by,
    1. i) initial rate
    2. ii) average rate
    3. iii) instantaneous rate

    Which rate is the fastest rate?

  3. A graph of volume of hydrogen ( [P] ) Vs time given below for the indicated reaction (graph attached)


  1. i) initial rate
  2. ii) average rate
  3. iii) instantaneous rate at 60sec
  1. Define Vmax
  2. Define KM
  3. Why Michalis plot is not used, instead double reciprocal plot is used to determine KM and Vmax?
  4. Do KM and Vmax get affected by available substrate concentration? Explain.
  5. Do KM and Vmax get affected by available enzyme concentration? Explain.
  6. Why p-nitrophenolphosphate → p-nitrophenol is an ideal reaction for this laboratory assay?

Chapter 8: Product Inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase

  1. List 4 major types of inhibition modes and clearly indicate the effect on Vmax and KM for each mode?
  2. What is the effect of each of the 4 types of inhibitors on the initial rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction?
  3. A potent inhibitor effectively inhibits an enzyme catalyzed reaction. What kind of a Ki value you would expect for a potent inhibitor?
  4. Considering PNPP → PNP reaction, would you expect to see more intense or pale color for the reaction that contain the inhibitor? Explain.

Science Homework Help