Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. New England College of Business Development of Window Phone 7 Discussion

Building the Derby App in Windows – see Chapter 8 Code

In this section you will implement the features of the Derby Names project using Microsoft Visual Studio, while also taking time to learn * Windows Phone – specific technologies.  

1. Open Visual Studio and create a new Windows Phone project. For this application, please select either Panorama or any project that has a UI (user interface) which allows you to share data.  Submit screen shot demonstrating creation of project

2. Submit screen demonstrating service reference for ODATA (see Figure 8-16, page 241 for example)

* Latest version is Windows 10 Mobile released March 2016

(Class – In 2016, Axway acquired Appcelerator and its open-source cross platform application framework, Titanium. … This discontinuation will be effective from September 1, 2022, so realistically September 2022 is the end of the Axway Appcelerator line.  Due to the discontinuation, please complete the week 6 project using Windows)

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Computer Science Homework Help