Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Purdue Global University Marketing Plan for Johnson & Johnson Discussion


I have been working on this paper for the past 10 days, and am at the point, I don’t have any time to finish it.

I need it done by this weekend. If you can get it done in pristine condition by Friday, even better, and I’ll pay a $50.00 bonus.

It has been hanging over my head, and it is one of my last papers for graduation. I am attaching the following;

** I am attaching the Assignment PDF.

** I am attaching my Word document that I started doing my assignment.

Here is the financial deal…

I am willing to pay $100 just to have the paper finished out by this weekend, but MUST be college level. You will see my writing style, and needs to sound like it is from me.

If you can have it to me by Saturday and it is truly college level where I don’t have to edit before submitting it, I will pay a $50.00 bonus. (It will free me up for Mother’s Day with my children, so well worth it.)

There is a presentation piece that needs 7-10 slides. If do the PPT presentation with notes for me to script the video, I will pay another $50.

So, in short, I will pay up to $200 to have this delivered cradle to grave. if you just want to do the paper and not the presentation, that is fine. I just want a one-stop-shop of getting this done.

DO NOT accept this if do not have experience in Marketing. For a marketing person, this should be easy breezy.

DO NOT accept this and think you are going to plagiarize and cut and paste from other people’s work. I want a truly free paper.

If all goes well, I have one other that I could also use help with in my Management Strategy class.



Business Finance Homework Help