Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. San Diego State University Generic Morse Code Transmission Worksheet

  • Write a code in C that outputs any arbitrary string by blinking the LED in Morse code using the AVR Xplained Mini board
  • The method you choose must output any standard null-terminated string containing characters A-Z or 0-9 in Morse code on the board’s LED
  • The program is recommended to have different functions for dot, dash, and space
  • The functions can be called based on the desired output. Using functions makes it simple to design multiple outputs, as you simply call on what you need, whenever
  • A child function, called from main( ) should output your Name and ID number in Morse code, using a method that will work for any arbitrary string constant•
  • Let 1 unit of time for this program be 200ms
  • A dot is equivalent one unit (200ms)
  • A dash is equivalent to three units (600ms)
  • The space between the dot/dash units of the same letter is one unit (200ms)
  • The space between different letters is three units (600ms)
  • The space between words is seven units (1400ms)
  • example
    A simple function to determine the letter to translate into Morse code and call the right functions for blinking pattern:
    if (s[i] == ‘A’ || s[i] == ‘a’)
    dot(); dash(); spc();

    #define F_CPU 16000000UL // 16MHz clock from the debug processor
    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <util/delay.h>

    int main(void)
    /* Replace with your application code */
    DDRB |= (1<<DDB5); //0x20 (hex) // Set port bit B5 in data direction register to 1: an OUTput
    PORTB |= (1<<PORTB5); //Set port bit B5 to 1 to turn on the LED
    _delay_ms(100); //delay 100ms
    PORTB &= ~(1<<PORTB5); //Clear port bit B5 to 0 to turn off the LED

  • C code with comments and .c file required
  • Programming Homework Help