Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. De Anza College Existence of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Discussion


Research collection is essential for a good research project! You need to look at a large variety of texts to see the different perspectives, biases, philosophical lenses, and ideas connected to your research topic. If you can master these skills, you will be successful beyond the assignment and for all your future research projects in academics or work.


Step 1: Review Critical Thinking Challenge #4: Source Log assignment

Step 2: Write the Source Log & save it as a .pdf or .doc with your name and assignment e.g. aleonard_SourceLog.doc

Step 3: Proofread and check your Assignment against the assignment requirements

Step 4: Click upload your submission

Step 5: Check back for feedback after 72-hours.


Your assignment will be graded with the attached rubric. Please review the rubric carefully prior to submitting your assignment

Written feedback will be included on the paper, so please click “view feedback” to make sure you see those comments.


The associated rubric will be used to provide a score and feedback–please be sure to review the rubric before starting and before submitting your assignment.


This assignment is designed to be a summative assessment–you’ll be able to use the feedback to gauge your understanding of the material in this module. Because the feedback is important, we’ll make every effort to respond to and grade your work within 72 hours of the due date.


Revisions are encouraged for all work scoring below 80%. Be sure to check both your score and the associated comments within Grades. If you choose a revision option, you can revise one assignment in the class for a brand new score.

Writing Homework Help