Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. ELAC The Importance to Perform a Quality Literature Review Response Discussion

1. Why is it important to conduct or perform a quality literature review?

It is important to perform a quality literature review because it provides information on what has already been published by researchers. According to Schmidt and Brown, the use of quality literature review can help get a high grade on the assignment, and it provides positive patient outcomes (2019). A quality literature review allows the writer to increase knowledge, have a variety of information to be able to identify gaps in the existing articles. Thus, bias can be minimized, and reliable conclusions can be made.

Characterize or distinguish between the 4 major types of reviews discussed in our textbook?

According to Schmidt and Brown, to make sound decisions about best practices nurses should be familiar with the following types of reviews: narrative, integrative, meta-analysis, and systematic (2019). Quality literature review helps nurses have a strong knowledge foundation on any topic.

Narrative Reviews It is a writer’s subjective point of view of a topic of interest while performing research. It is the most basic, the most familiar, and commonly used type of review found in trade publications. It helps identify studies that describe a problem of interest. It does not require a predetermine research question or strategy. It does not require a systematic approach or specified protocol.

Integrative Reviews, according to our textbook is defined as A scholarly paper that synthesizes published studies to answer questions about phenomena of interest (Schmidt and Brown, 2019). According to Schmidt and Brown, the published studies or articles answer a question of interest. They are found in peer-reviewed professional publications. It is considered a tool to track and compile different types of data, methods theories, and empirical findings (2019).

Meta-analysis is the combination of research statistical results from several studies into a measurable and statistical format where the results show the intervention is beneficial. Meta-analysis is used to establish statistical significance with studies that have conflicting results. According to The George Washington University, the Met-analysis is used to develop more correct estimate of effect magnitude, it provides a more complex analysis of harms, safety data, and benefits. It examines subgroups with individual numbers that are not statistically significant. It provides advantages of greater statistical power, confirmatory data analysis, greater ability to extrapolate to general population affected and considered an evidence-based resource (2019).

Systematic Reviews is a rigorous and systematic syntheses of research finding about a clinical problem. It combines the narrative, Integrative and Meta-Analyses methods. Which are used to summarize and communicate the results and implications of otherwise unmanageable quantities of research that answers to a well-specified clinical question thus minimizing the bias to reach a reliable conclusion (Schmidt and Brown, 2019). According to The George Washington University, systematic reviews aim to identify and synthesize all of the scholarly research on a particular topic, including both published and unpublished studies while being conducted in an unbiased, reproducible way to provide evidence for practice and policy-making and identify gaps in research (2021).

What are the essential components of a quality literature review?

The essential components of a quality literature are first, doing the research and narrowing the topic selected. Second search and review a number of texts that pertain to the topic. Then, Read the selected articles and evaluate the content. Following by organizing and looking for patters while at the same time developing subtopics. Next, develop a thesis or purpose statemen and finally, start writing and include references. The final step is to review the work (Florida A&M University (2021).

2. This week we are discussing the importance of literature review, the major types of review and the essential components that characterize quality reviews. First, we must know that it is important to conduct a quality literature review so that the research question that is developed is substantial in identifying any gaps or areas where more information could be used to connect the concepts (Schmidt & Brown, 2018). It is also important to perform quality reviews so that the important information gathered from the literature is forefront and readily available to be incorporated into future research. The four types of review we are focusing on include narrative, integrative, meta-analysis, and systemic review. Narrative reviews are generally the most common type of review although, they do not always present with research methods used and proper design that goes into conducting research; these publications are usually in trade magazines and the information can be highly subjective (Schmidt & Brown, 2018). Integrative reviews are, as the name suggests, more integrative of information pulled from like research and are commonly peer reviewed making them more objective than narrative reviews (Schmidt & Brown, 2018). Meta-analysis uses data and methods pulled from similar studies to evaluate and analyze published and non-published information. Meta-analysis is a type of systemic review (Schmidt & Brown, 2018). Systemic reviews are considered the most objective and contain elements from all of the different types of review. Methods are explicitly explained and followed in systemic reviews (Schmidt & Brown, 2018). I think that the essential components of quality literature review would be identifying and utilizing appropriate and reliable resources. Not all publications are created equal (Schmidt & Brown, 2018). Another essential component is ensuring that the research is relevant, and that the information being reviewed is relevant to the topic being presented in the research question.

Health Medical Homework Help