Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. RC Photo Narrative & Sequencing Self Critique Digital Photography of The Sky Essay

To correspond with the “Photo Narrative and Sequencing” Assignment, create a Word document in which you will critique your photo narrative and its sequence.

Each photo selected for that assignment will be placed in order on individual pages with an explanation of the thought process and intention in taking the photograph and your observations about the strength of compositional structure.

The paper does NOT have to be in APA format.

  1. Page 1 is the cover page. Include your name, date, course, term, and section, and title your series, e.g. The Storm. Then, below that, write a paragraph stating the overall sequencing intention and your thought process when taking the photographs and their order. What is this series about? How did you approach taking them? Why did you order them in this way? Note: You will critique each individual image in the following pages.
  2. For the next 7 or 8 pages (depending upon how many images are in your sequence), place the image at the top of the page, leaving room enough for a paragraph or two of text at the bottom, where you will explain why you chose this image for your sequence and how you approached the composition and other design considerations. (See Steps 3 and 4) If your images are high-resolution, please REDUCE the size of your images before inserting them into Word. Camera-phone images can be 3-4MB in size and between 72ppi and 300ppi. Make sure to save your original images, but resize and Export As… a copy to no more than 1500px in the widest dimension at 72ppi. (It should be under 1MB). When you have completed your Word document, check that the document is smaller than 20MB. If it is not, ZIP it. If it still is over 20MB, you’ll need to resize the image smaller. Do NOT scale your images in Word, they will be small, but will still be large file sizes.
  3. Below the image, first, explain the image as if it were an extended caption. For example, “Backed by a record storm surge, seawater carried this sailboat over the seawall and three blocks inland.”
  4. Then, explain how you approached taking the photograph. Why did you shoot it from that point of view? What do you think the strengths of the image are? What are its weaknesses? Then, below that, evaluate the technical and creative attributes of the image (you may say positive things about the image, but also think how it might have been stronger; could you have cropped it differently? Did you perform any other corrections to color or contrast? Is it as strong as the other images in telling the narrative? Why did you place it in this order in the sequence? [Especially important for first and last image])
  5. Finally, at the bottom of the page paste in a thumbnail (roughly 400px 500-600px) of at least one other image (preferably two) that you took of that same part of the sequence, to prove that you were “working the shot.” For example, you might have shot the sailboat from a different angle or from closer or further away. Again, do NOT resize these images inside Word. Use Photoshop.

No matter how small you scale your image in Photoshop, Word will try to blow it up to fit full-width on the page. If you reduced the image size in Photoshop, you may drag the corner of the thumbnail down to about 2″ wide on the page.Word isn’t increasing the resolution (and physical size in Kb), it’s just trying to expand the image on the page, so make sure you reduce the thumbnails in Photoshop first.

Save as a Word document and submit to the dropbox. Make sure the Word document is under 20MB. Ideally, it should be under 6MB.

Other Homework Help