Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UP How Do Investors Choose Stock? Discussion

Assignment Content

Reaction videos have been part of the digital landscape for over a decade. People watch others doing things and film themselves reacting. It has become a lucrative online industry for advertising and content. The people filming/reacting refer to themselves as the creators, rather than showcasing the original authors, song writers, or chefs. They may enhance and exaggerate their responses for their online audience’s fun or entertainment, but the clicks generate money and fuel the genre. Blog posts that react to a recorded or written source are also a form of these reactions.
For this assignment, you will create either a video or a written response that captures your reaction to a video or a written work of your choice. The written option provides the opportunity to practice writing about a topic you are interested in. Both assignment options are for completion points.
Watch “Your Response Has Value.” There is also a transcript availableSearch TranscriptPrint TranscriptTranscriptClose TranscriptReport IssueYour Response Has Value
Hi, I’m back with another tip to help you complete your week four assignment.Here’s my tip.Why does your reaction have value? Consider this question as you craft a reaction video or a review for an audience.Now, a good way to answer this question before you film or write is to review some reaction videos online and think about why they have value to you.Are they humorous? Did they connect you with a moment that made you feel nostalgic? Did they help you think about something in a new way? So as you watch the videos, think about why they have value to you.Now, if you’re writing a review, do the same thing.Find some reviews online that have value.Do they help you make a decision, avoid a misstep, or help you enjoy a piece of media in a new way, from a new perspective? Define what you value in a review so that when you craft yours you can offer that same value to the audience.
Now, before you film or before you write, work to answer that question and then carefully plan you video or review so you can add value to your audience’s experience.Locate an item you have read, watched, listened to, or purchased that elicited a strong response from you, such as laughter, sadness, happiness, joy, or frustration. Imagine that response again.Write a 400- to 500-word review of your chosen item in which you address the following elements:

  • Tell your audience the details of how you encountered the piece you selected and who created the original content.
  • Tell your audience about your experience with the piece of media.
  • Provide whether or not you’d recommend the piece to your audience. Explain your answer. 

Writing Homework Help