Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSCI 2521 Columbus State Community College Sentence into a Morse Code Program

allow a user to enter sentence and then output the sentence into Morse Code. I am using visual studio 2019 and I need it by friday before midnight

1. The approach should be Object Oriented. I don’t want to see parallel arrays or a long if/else if/else or switch statement.
2. Prompt the user to enter a sentence. This means you must support whitespace in the string input. The sentence can have a maximum of 50 characters.
3. Output the sentence character by character by translating the character into it’s Morse Code equivalent. You can print each on an individual line or on one line separated by a space.
4. Use the Morse Code table as shown on Wikipedia. Represent with periods and hyphens. For example the character ‘B’ would be output as string “-…”
5. Morse Code is case insensitive. ‘a’ and ‘A’ are the same character. You will need to handle this in your code.
6. You can ignore any character in the sentence that is not a letter or number.
7. I will not only be grading program correctness, I’m also going to be grading your Object Oriented approach. So please take the time to think about the design of the program before implementing.

Extra points

I’m offering 10 points extra if you also support translating Morse Code into English Alphabet characters. You can ask the user to separate the Morse codes with a space. Same rules apply as above, except you’ll expect Morse codes as input and output the sentence. You must support more than one character. The sentence you output can be all upper or lower case characters. You do not have to be case sensitive in your output.

Programming Homework Help