Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Florida National University History of Public Health Nursing Questions

Question #1

Research the history of public health nursing. What role does the government play in the health of its citizens? How involved should the government be in our health?

Question #2

Compare and contrast health care systems in the United States to other major post industrialized countries. What are the advantages/disadvantages to these systems?

Question #3: Identify one pivotal person who impacted the history of public health nursing. Make sure to include information about this person and explain ways they impacted public health nursing and how this was important to the development of public health nursing as it is understood today.

Discussion Protocol. Please observe the following 3 x 3 rule: when writing your weekly discussions: – A minimum of three paragraphs per DQ. Each paragraph should have a minimum of three sentences. Remember that peer responses need to be substantive and extend the original discussion posting by making connections, relating to others’ ideas and adding supporting detail. Refer to grading rubric, to receive full credit each portion of the discussion posting must be addressed along with the 2 peer responses.

Health Medical Homework Help