Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. St Petersburg College Medical Home Discussion

post A) 

This patient has many medical issues that require care from more then one doctor. This patient would be seeing a primary care doctor for regular routine visits and care. This patient should then also be followed by a cardiologist to monitor the heart failure. Another doctor would have to be Endocrinologist for the diabetes and lastly a Nephrologist for the chronic kidney disease. All these doctors should be seeing the patient on a regular basis to monitor the given medical issues.

Before, during and after the hospital stay this patient would have worked with Paramedics for the ride to the hospital. Once at the hospital this patient would have had vitals done by a nurse, and continued vitals and medications given by the nurses. The patient would have also been seen by the ER doctor who would have ordered testing for the diagnosis, a Med Tech who would have drawn blood and run prepared samples for other possible infections, a dietician who could give advice and provide proper diet for the diabetes and heart, a cardiovascular tech to diagnosis and monitor the stages of heart failure, a radiographer for images of the lungs to diagnosis the pneumonia, a respiratory therapist to help treat the pneumonia, a physical therapist to help build and maintain strength after a long hospital stay, and lastly a home health aide to assist at home for one month.

To prevent this hospitalization this patient could have been seen sooner by his primary care doctor for treatment sooner. The patient could have engaged in Primary or Secondary Prevention to prevent the illness/diseases and their progression.

To prevent readmission to the hospital this patient should engaged in Tertiary Prevention to monitor and treat the progression of all diseases and illness the patient has. This could possibly mean more frequent doctor checkups and blood work/scans.

Medical homes are used to coordinate treatment through the primary care provider. This helps to ensure a patient is receiving the care they need at the time that it is needed. Medical Homes can work with another specialist for a team approach with the patient. For this patient since they have many medical issues it is very important that they have a strong and attentive medical home. This patient needs all members of their medical care to be on the same page as far as treatment and wishes. This can all be facilitated through the medical home. 

Post B) 

The number of health care professionals that this 67-year-old widower may have encountered would have been numerous. Their initial interaction prior to the emergency room may have been with the medical assistant at intake at the doctor’s office. This person would verify the patient’s medical and personal information prior to the nurse calling them into the back. The nurse that they meet at the beginning of their appointment at their doctors’ office would be responsible for taking the patients vitals and ask about any issues the patients may have been having. They would be responsible for notating the medical record and making sure it was updated prior to the patient being seen by the doctor. 

The next interaction that the patient would have would be with the doctor. At the point the doctor would request blood work or any tests that the patient may need. In the office the patient would encounter the phlebotomist who would draw their blood. At this point alone they have encountered at least 4 health care providers in the office alone. When this patient has to call the paramedics, we realize that they have already encountered a cardiologist because they have been diagnosed with heart failure, a nephrologist because they have been diagnosed with diabetes and have chronic kidney disease.  

           Upon entering the ambulance, the patient is assisted by the emergency medical technicians (EMT’s) or paramedics. These individuals can provide ambulatory medical assistance until they are able to get the patient to the hospital. Once the patient has arrived at the hospital, they are met with a barrage of health care providers. An emergency room nurse will take a new set of vitals, arrange to have additional tests run, start an IV if needed and prepare the patient to meet with the physician on duty. The patient will need to be seen by a respiratory therapist to assist with the treatment for pneumonia. They also may have been taken care of by a X-ray tech, to get pictures of their lungs. As the patient has noted heart failure, they made be required to have a sonographer to complete an echocardiogram. Prior to the patient’s dismissal they will have met with either a dietician or a nutritionist.  

Once the patient leaves the hospital and enters the rehab facility, they will encounter a physical therapist as well as occupational therapist. They will interact daily with a certified medical assistant to have their medical needs attended to while they are there. They will also be monitored by the doctors and nurses on staff at the rehabilitation facility. 

Prior to his hospitalization, he should have been having regular appointments with an outpatient rehab facility. There should have been a health plan in place to assist with the patient with his daily needs. Offering the assistance of a certified nursing assistant to help prepare daily healthy meals, or to help the patient exercise would have been ideal. The things should be in place prior to the patient being released from the rehabilitation facility. 

My understanding of a medical home is a place where an individua can live and receive daily help with not only taking care of themselves but receive help with their medical if needed. These types of communities are known as assisted living facilities as well as continuum care facilities as well. This seem like it would benefit our patient as well. 

Writing Homework Help