Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. COOL 536 Paine College School Community School Climate Self-Assessment Tool Paper

The School Climate assessment is a Self-Assessment Tool, which means you complete it on your own, you don’t ask the questions to anybody else.  (If you don’t work in a school, pretend you do and assess your home as if it were a school).  Discuss the results briefly in your Observations section.  

“Using the School Climate Self-Assessment Tool, it was observed that the test-taking location’s Physical Environment …..

It was observed that the test-taking location’s Social Environment…”

etc. etc.  Don’t give scores.  It is not part of the Client’s assessments.  It is a School Counselor’s Tool on evaluating the learning environment and determining if there needs to be any adjustments to make your school an optimal center for learning.  It is good practice to fill out and adding comments on the results in the Observation section is appropriate.  

Then, in the same Observations section, your second paragraph make a transition to the actual test-taking session.  Were there distractions?  Or was it relatively peaceful and quiet?  Then make some sort of assessment as to the authentication of the results based on distractability of the environment.

“During the test-taking session, there were several unexpected interruptions that included a phone call and someone walking in to the test-taking room accidentally.  The client was observed to break his chain of thought during each instance.  Due to the distractable nature of the interruptions, the results may have been compromised and the interpretations should be read with caution.”


“During the test-taking session, there were no unforseen interruptions or distractions.  The test-taking environment was optimal and therefore the results should be read with authenticity.”

You obviously can’t write the above part unless you’ve administered all the tests.  Administer the two remaining tests; The Emotional Intelligence test (The Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment) and the Social Intelligence test (Building Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills: Self-Assessment Exercise).  

After your Observations section comes the Results section.  Please provide the name of the test, the scores, a visual representation of your choice, followed by a subheading Interpretations where you discuss the results of that single test.  Then repeat with the second test.

Lastly, the Recommendations section with the four domains Behavioral, Emotional, Cognitive, and Social.  Challenge yourself to offer some sort of recommendation for each section.  Even if it’s out on a limb, i’d rather you practice offering recommendations than saying, “There are no Cognitive recommendations”.  Perhaps you can look at the individual items.  On the Emotional Intelligence test, was the score of 0 on the item “I find it easy to describe my feelings”?  Then you can recommend under

“Cognitive: Client scored a 0 on Item “I fend it easy to describe my feelings” of the Self-Awareness Scale of the QEISA indicating they struggle with identifying and applying words to their emotional experiences.I recommend that the client make a daily habit of describing their feelings in a journal.” 

OR look at the suggested Social Styles from the Social Intelligence test.  What are some of the implied deficiencies that could use improving? 

“Behavioral: The results of the BEICS indicate the subject is a “Hands-On Style” of communicator.  This suggests the subject prefers to work with his hands, problem solving by ‘doing’.  It is therefore my recommendation that the client expand their comfort zone and engage in more intellectual pursuits.  Perhaps Suduko puzzles or engage in crossword puzzles as a hobby.”

Writing Homework Help