Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CADV 453 Occupational Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay

Purpose: What is an exit slip? 

An exit slip provides your instructor with an informal measure of how well you have understood a topic or lesson. The exercise helps you reflect on what you have learned from the academic readings and lectures. The exit slips also allows students to express what or how you are thinking about new information. Finally, it teaches you to think critically (examining, scrutinizing, drawing conclusions, questioning, analyzing assumptions and biases, etc). 


Briefly answer these 3 questions using these exact prompts. 

(1) What I learned from this week’s READINGS … and these readings/topics are important because…

(2) Something I found interesting/compelling from this week’s READINGS/TOPIC is … because… 

(3) Some things I still have questions about from this week’s topic include…


Writing Homework Help