Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. DAV Public School Oppression Power Reflection


1. Read Chapter 5 of Is Everyone Really Equal.

2. Prezi


(Links to an external site.)

3. Write your blog page reflection.

Then choose ONE of the following choices to complete as a way to share your knowledge and insights. Each week after you read a chapter you will choose a different option.

Any order is fine.

Here are your 7 choices:

1. Comic Strip: Draw an original comic strip that highlights a key concept from the chapter.

2. Painting: Find a painting or photograph that exemplifies a poignant insight from the chapter.

3. Poetry/spoken word/rap: Write an original poem/rap or spoken word piece that responds to the issues in the chapter.

4. Music: Create a playlist with three songs that you feel bring the reader of your blog into the emotion of the injustices that are occurring as highlighted in the chapter.

5. Movie/TV episode: Capture a clip from a movie or TV episode that illustrates one of the key points in the chapter. Respond to the clip accordingly. Meaning, is the clip exemplifying the oppressive aspects in society or is it an example of someone fighting oppressive systems? Respond in kind in your blog.

6. Spotlight on a person: Feature a short biography of an inspirational figure in history that can be looked to as a role model for fighting systemic oppression. Go beyond the ones most people know. Find the unsung heroes/heroines and bring them to life.

7. Open category: You choose how you want to bring the concepts in the chapter to your reader’s attention in a provocative way.

After each choice please respond to the following (as outlined in the rubric).

1. Essential Concepts: Explain how your choice (song, poem, painting) illustrates AT LEAST THREE key concepts in the chapter. Use your artifact if you will as a springboard to talk about the key concepts and how the world would be different if these issues were addressed. IMPORTANT: ***Each of the three concepts should be explained in detail (at least one thorough paragraph for each concept).

2. Relation to Self and Other: What insights or realizations did you have about yourself and others reading the chapter? This may include insights about your own perceptions, biases, prejudices, historical knowledge, family of origin, social or emotional intelligence–or that of another.

3. Link to Family/close friend relationships. How could you interact compassionately with family members or close friends who are less educated about these topics and teach them how to be less prejudice without offending them? How do we invite people we know well into these courageous conversations?

Writing Homework Help