Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. ENGL 100 CCC Cars Impact on Pollution Essay

Sample Student Essay in APA format

I have provided organizational comments on the sample essay below using [brackets]. However, you do not need to bracket or label the parts of your argumentative essay.

Your argumentative essay will have a Title page, intro paragraph + four argumentative body paragraphs + conclusion paragraph, and References page. This essay is not very long, so please focus on quality. As usual, each paragraph should consist of 6-10 sentences.

Pick your own topic from the list on the previous page. Have fun, and ask me anything in the Q/A!

Sample argumentative essay on E-Reader.pdf

After you brainstorm, outline, and draft your essay, proofread it multiple times with this Power Proofreader sheet created for my English students.

It is guaranteed to improve your writing and score. I recommend that you print and follow it for all writing assignments.

Power Proofreader v1.pdf

Your Argumentative Essay is due at the end of this week.

The upload box and the submit button appear below these instructions. Note also that it often takes ten minutes for Turnitin to calculate your Similarity Score %. If you submit an essay multiple times, the software can take up to twenty-four hours to calculate your new %.

  • Brainstorm, outline, draft, proofread, revise, and rewrite your essay multiple times.
  • Check carefully for transitions, topic sentences, support, and grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Upload through Canvas to Turnitin by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
  • File format must be .pdf, .doc, or .docx. Do not use a .pages file from a Mac.
  • Similarity Score should be no higher than 20%. If it is higher, then revise your essay by removing some quotations and adding more original analysis and commentary.
  • Ensure you follow instructions carefully, including the page minimum.
  • By Thursday night Prof. Davis will assess your essay. To see comments and rubric, go to Grades > Argumentative Essay > View Feedback.

Argumentative essay rubric

/1 Format (font, margins, spacing, running head, title page, References)

/2 Quotations (signal phrase, quotation, APA citation with author, year, p. #)

/4 Argumentation (four body paragraphs, well-chosen evidence, major and minor supporting details, logic)

/4 Organization (intro, thesis, body paragraphs, transitions, topic sentences, conclusion sentences, conclusion paragraph)

/4 Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, syntax


Foreign Languages Homework Help