Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. ENT 436 Grand Canyon Lithium ion Battery for Electric Vehicle PPT

I am apart of a CLC Group, we are working on a group project.

The prototype we have selected is “lithium ion battery for electric vehicle’s.

My job is to: Sketch (provide a detailed blueprint of a lithium ion battery and explain the main parts)

Also including more in depth information in the speaker notes section of the powerpoint.

1 slide only is needed, title the slide “Sketch or Photo of the Prototype”

The purpose of this assignment is to create a prototype of your team’s product or service.

In this topic students will be assigned to groups for the remainder of the course. Each group will select one project to further develop for the rest of the course. The selected project can be any of the student’s projects that they worked on during Topics 1-5 or a new idea.

  • Each group will develop a prototype of the chosen product or service. This can be a sketch, picture, wireframe, storyboard, paper mockup, physical model, etc.
  • Use the prototype to demonstrate the function and value of the team’s product or service and obtain real-world feedback.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 5-7 slides in order to present the team’s prototype. Only one submission is required per team. Provide constructive feedback to other teams on the validity and value of the team’s product or service. You may use your inbox in the digital classroom, assigned CLC group forums, or GCU email to communicate with your team.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Business Finance Homework Help