Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Oakton Community College Barranquilla Carnival Culture Portfolio

Culture Portfolio, PART A
Select a topic that relates to a cultural aspect of the Hispanophone world. You may focus on a person, artist, artwork, social theme or movement, historical period, or another such aspect from a Hispanophone country or region. You will create a narrative on your topic which includes four elements, the first of which is described below.
Part A: Main narrative (minimum of 250 words, no need to exceed 400 words; 40 points)
State your topic and tell something of why you chose it. In other words, what is interesting to you personally about the topic? Tell also why your topic is important generally. Give relevant information about your topic and tell of any influences your topic (person, artist, etc.) has within or outside of the Hispanophone world.

Part B: Cultural artifacts (25 points)
Choose five artifacts for your topic. They may include photographs, drawings, collages, graphs, artworks, news articles, recordings, or other such items. For each artifact, give a brief explanation of its appropriateness to your portfolios. In other words, what is the connection between your artifact and the topic of your portfolio. If you like, feel free to include original poems, stories, or other texts written in Spanish that express ideas appropriate to your topic.

REQUIRED in this element of your portfolio is that you give explicitly and with some detail precisely how and why your artifacts relate or connect with your topic and interest. You are to make a connection here with your intellectual and personal rationale for what you include.

Part C: Experiential narrative (minimum of 250 words, no need to exceed 400 words; 25 points)
Tell about practical matters here, such as ease or difficulty with finding information or other resources for your portfolio. You can also write about your personal or intellectual discoveries, as well as your experience generally during the writing and creative process.
Additional instructions
Credit will be granted in accordance with adherence to instructions, as well as to grammar and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, etc.).

Part D: Web Site (10 points)
List a website that relates to your portfolio topic. Tell how the site connects with your topic and provide a short narrative on what the site includes and what one can expect to find there.
Additional instructions
Credit will be granted in accordance with adherence to instructions, as well as to grammar and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, etc.).

Foreign Languages Homework Help