Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Sxyz Java Methods Strings Question

Below is the script given by my manager and I will have to solve this. Kindly review it and send the related java script along with the test results

public static void main(String[] args) {

String[] titlesArray = { “Pluto TV Kids”, “CNET”, “Pluto TV Sports”, “Naturescape”, “Fear Factor”, “Flicks of Fury”,

“PeopleTV”, “Rescue 911”, “The Amazing Race”, “Pluto TV Drama Life”, “Western TV” };

String[] categoriesArray = { “5c12fe491c932b67bd8e3d80”, “5c12f932be491cbd678e3d87”, “5c12fe491cbd932b678e3d8f”,

“5cffe094ad44e55543791bfc”, “5f19a84079572700079d28e0”, “5c12fe2b678e3491cbd93d84”,

“5c12fe491cbd932b678e3d7b”, “5f18407959a72700079d28e0”, “5f197995727a808e04070d20”,

“5f19a84079572700079d28e0”, “5f19a8763eae7b0007f5c45e” };


* Objective:

* Write a method that takes in the 2 arrays provided as parameters then displays the values as:

* “title”, “category”

* In main, call the method that was created to test the function.



Programming Homework Help