Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Capella University The Health Care System and Terms of Government Discussion

Write a 3-4 page paper in which you compare the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in an OECD country that uses a different system from the United States.


As the United States strives to transform its health care system, it is valuable to study a variety of global health care systems and structures for a full understanding of available options. This assessment will require you to apply critical thinking skills to contrast and evaluate health care systems in another country in comparison with our own. Use what you have learned to recommend and defend potential approaches, ideas, and concepts to consider for U.S. health care reform efforts.


Prepare for this assessment activity by consulting the research resources provided with this assessment.

Use the Internet to conduct research to find current analyses of the U.S. health care system and health care systems in other countries, as well as information on global health. Use the following resources, as well as others, to conduct your research:

Conduct research on a health care system in an OECD country that differs from the United States. As you conduct your research:

  • Look for similarities and differences between the structures, approaches, or concepts used in the other system, and the structures, approaches, or concepts used in our own.
  • Pay attention to the political, economic, and consumer forces driving and impacting both systems.
  • Consider whether any of the structures, approaches, or concepts used in the other system might improve the U.S. system.

Explore the following U.S. Government resources related to global health as part of your research:


For this assessment, write a 3–4 page paper addressing the following:

  1. Compare the current U.S. health care system with a different health care system used in an OECD country.
  2. Describe similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems, taking into account political, economic, and consumer-driven forces.
  3. Based on your research of the system in another (OECD) country, recommend and provide justification for changes you personally and professionally feel should be implemented in the current reform efforts for the U.S. health care system.
  4. Describe how the changes you propose might impact a manager in your sector of the health care system and the change management skills that would be required to manage these changes.

Include APA-formatted citations and reference for all your sources.

Refer to the scoring guide to ensure that your work meets the grading criteria for this assessment.

Additional Requirements

  • Communication: Writing should be clear and well organized, with no technical writing errors, as expected of a business professional.
  • Length of paper: 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding the title page and references page.
  • APA Style: Citations and references must be formatted using current APA style.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

  • Competency 2: Utilize critical thinking skills to analyze health care delivery system management challenges as related to population health indicators, and political, economic, and consumer-driven forces.
    • Compare the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in another OECD country.
    • Describe similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems, taking into account political, economic, and consumer-driven forces.
    • Recommend changes that should be implemented as part of the current efforts to reform the current U.S. health care system.
    • Provide justification for why these changes should be implemented.
  • Competency 3: Apply change management skills to health care managerial roles and responsibilities in relation to emerging and future trends in health care delivery.
    • Explain how the proposed changes might impact a manager in a specific sector of the health care system and the change management skills required to manage these changes.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for member of the business professions.
    • Write clearly, effectively, and professionally, using current APA style to cite and reference all resources.

      Analyzing and Recommending Health Care System Reform Options Scoring Guide

      Compare the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in another OECD country. Does not compare the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in another OECD country. Compares the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in another OECD country, but omits key points. Compares the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in another OECD country. Compares the current U.S. health care system with a health care system used in another OECD country, in a highly detailed and thorough way.
      Describe similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems, taking into account political, economic, and consumer-driven forces. Does not describe similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems. Describes some similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems, taking into account political, economic, and consumer-driven forces, but omits key points. Describes similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems, taking into account political, economic, and consumer-driven forces. Describes similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and concepts of the systems, taking into account political, economic, and consumer-driven forces, and does so in a highly detailed and thorough way.
      Recommend changes that should be implemented as part of the current efforts to reform the current U.S. health care system. Does not recommend changes that should be implemented as part of the current efforts to reform the current U.S. health care system. Recommends changes that should be implemented as part of the current efforts to reform the current U.S. health care system, but does so without sufficient research and thought. Recommends changes that should be implemented as part of the current efforts to reform the current U.S. health care system. Recommends in an exceptionally thoughtful and detailed way, changes that should be implemented as part of the current efforts to reform the current U.S. health care system.
      Provide justification for why these changes should be implemented. Does not provide justification for why these changes should be implemented. Provides insufficient justification for why these changes should be implemented. Provides justification for why these changes should be implemented. Provides outstanding justification for why these changes should be implemented.
      Explain how the proposed changes might impact a manager in a specific sector of the health care system and the change management skills required to manage these changes. Does not explain how the proposed changes might impact a manager in a specific sector of the health care system or the change management skills required to manage these changes. Explains in only a partial way, how the proposed changes might impact a manager in a specific sector of the health care system and the change management skills required to manage these changes. Explains how the proposed changes might impact a manager in a specific sector of the health care system and the change management skills required to manage these changes. Explains in a highly thoughtful and detailed way, how the proposed changes might impact a manager in a specific sector of the health care system and the change management skills required to manage these changes.
      Write clearly, effectively, and professionally, using current APA style to cite and reference all resources. Does not write clearly, effectively, and professionally; does not use current APA style to cite and reference resources. Writes in a manner that is not sufficiently clear, effective or professional; use of APA style to cite and reference resources is inadequate. Writes clearly, effectively, and professionally, using current APA style to cite and reference all resources. Writes with outstanding clarity, effectiveness, and professionalism, using current APA style to cite and reference all resources, with no errors.

Business Finance Homework Help