Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California Southern University Spaceship C Program

– Gain experience using strings, arrays, functions and their interactions

   – Gain more experience using arrays (one/multi dimensional)
   – Gain more experience using File Input/Output
   – Gain more experience using modular programming (functions)
   – Reinforce knowledge of previous programming topics
   – Use of  structure
   – Continue to refine C programming skills by following the C coding standard
   – Learn to apply “C” programming to problem solving

Problem Description:
Your spaceship is navigating an asteroid field; you are to design a system that will log and
display the distance between your spaceship and the asteroids. Each asteroid has (x, y, z) position
in space, where x, y, and z are the distances in kilometers (east-west, north-south, up-down) from
your spaceship which is at 0,0,0.
Your program will read a file asteroids.txt that represents the ID and location of each asteroid.
The distance between your spaceship and each asteroid is calculated based on asteroid’s X, Y, Z
position using the following formula.
? X2 + Y2 + Z2
This program must be secure. The user must input their name and pin number, if both
(name and pin) matches the list you have in a text file on the disk (ident.txt), than the
user gets access to this program. The program should allow 3 tries for name and
password entry, if unsuccessful after 3 tries the program should print a message to the
user and terminate.
Program Input/ Requirements
? The name and the pin number of the user
? A file called ident.txt which contains names and pin numbers. Example below.
 leia       12345
      darth     23456
       r2d2     34567
       solo      45678
       jabba    56789
       yoda      67890

? Input to the program will be generated using random generator for X, Y, and Z
coordinate. Random generator will generate numbers between 1 and 1000 (including 1
and 1000). This data will be stored in a text file called asteroids.txt. Assume the speed
of asteroids is 25Km/Sec. There must be at least 10 asteroids’ data in the file. The text
data file asteroid.txt has the following format: only the numbers and IDs are in the file
not the heading (ID, X,Y,Z)
A 600 200 59
B 999 999 15
C 100 1000 555
D 500 202 666
– – – –
– – – –
Program output / Requirements
1- Write the following data to a file called distance.txt, after calculating the distance
A 600 200 59 (whatever the result is)
B 999 999 15 (whatever the result is)
C 100 1000 555 (whatever the result is)
D 500 202 666
– – – – – – – –
2- Print an alarm message to screen with X, Y, and Z positions of asteroids within a distance
of less than 750 km.
The alarm message could look like the following: only two digits after the decimal point.
Warning  –  Warning  – Warning
Nearest asteroid B at ??, ??, ??: ?? km away 

Time to impact ??? seconds
asteroid B at at ??, ??, ??: ?? km away
asteroid D at at ??, ??, ??: ?? km away
– – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – –
3- Display a bar chart (character) for distance of the asteroids.
Example (something like below):
A |****************************
B |*********************
C |*************************
D |*******
E |************
F |
           Scale appropriately
4- Rank the asteroids from closest to farthest and write the result into an array using pointers
to traverse the array. (you need to sort)
5- Display ranking with the asteroid ID
Asteroid C distance (must be the closest distance)  
Asteroid E distance (must be the next to the closest )  
And so on…
More requirements, In addition to our standards:
1. The ident.txt file can contain at least 10 names and pin numbers.
2. Your program should be able to process the minimum of 10 asteroids.
3. You must use a two dimensional array for the asteroids position data.
4. You must use structure to hold the data for name and ID number when you read the file
5. The main function must do very little other than calling other functions and passing
parameters to those functions.
6. Your program should be modularly designed with functions designed to do one task and
one task well.
7. Your program must have at least 5 functions not including the main function

8. Do not use global variables. Pass data back and forth via parameters or as return values.
9. Make your functions as general as possible so that they can be called more than once if
10. Document your main function as well as every function you write.
11. Use defined constants for ALL constants in your program.

Programming Homework Help