Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. UMUC Human Resources and Employee Records Discussion

Pick a human resource task or function that tends to be time consuming for HR practitioners. Discuss the pros and cons of automating that task or function. In your response, be sure to consider both organizational and employee perspectives.

Student 1(Megan)

In the HR world, updating employee records can be very time consuming. it is a responsibility of HR managers to alter employee information such as change of address, change of name, change of beneficiary, or other pertinent ant details. Automating this function to a “self-serve” task where employees can update personal information through an HRIS. When employees can do this on their own, HR professionals have more time to focus on other tasks and gives employees more autonomy over their employee records. This also allows for a quicker turn around time for employee records to be updated since it eliminates the need for the back and forth communication between HR practitioner and employee. The downside is the possibility of an employee entering the wrong information making it more of hassle for the HR practitioner to fix the error. Another time consuming aspect would be the time it would take for HR representatives to train employees on how to use the system.

student 2 (Sarah)

A human resources task that is time consuming is the new hire process. Streamlining the processes using the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) system. The HRIS merges various HR functions to facilitate the HR workflow. (UMGC, n.d.) This allows the arduous task of data collection process to be automated and ensure that the steps are being followed to ensure each form has been completed to maintain employment. This greatest pro in this process ensures that each item needed to begin employment is completed. Using this system makes the process more efficient for both the organization as well as the employee.

One of the negatives to using this process is the potential for errors. If an employee is completing their onboarding paperwork online there could be more chance of collecting inaccurate data. Also, older generations who are not familiar with technology-based system may have trouble with understanding elements of key information as it relates to their benefit options. They could omit completing some of these sections for lack of understanding which could prevent them from having offered coverage that could be vital to the employee and their family.


UMGC. (n.d.). Lecture week 10.

Business Finance Homework Help