Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. GERO 101 University of Maryland Wk 2 Long Term Services and Supports Discussion

After reviewing this week’s learning resources, respond to the following discussion prompts. For full credit, provide a full, well-substantiated response to the discussion question, referencing this week’s readings and/or (cited) outside sources. Respond thoughtfully to the posts of at least two of your classmates.

  • Is it always less costly to keep an older adult living in the community rather than a nursing home or assisted-living facility? Why or why not?
  • Can an LTSS network be developed that does not require a family member or friend to provide essential services? How would you manage that development?
  • What types of stakeholders are most dependent on the existing LTSS and why?

An excellent response will be at least 3-4 paragraphs in length, using complete sentences and concise language.

Please be sure to use APA citations in your text and to include your reference list. When you refer to and/or discuss any resources, you need to include a citation for that source, such as: (Braincraft, 2015). For more info on APA style, visit the APA Citations and Style module in this online classroom.

Writing Homework Help