Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Grossmont College 3 Kinds of Bias that Shape Your Worldview Video Discussion

  1. Identify and discuss how your strongest and weakest intellectual trait/s affect your ability to approach argument as an “exploratory process” (Ramage 17). (approximately 75-200 words)
  2. With regards to your worldview, choose the TED Talks to which you most relate, briefly summarize it, including the author’s major claim, and explain why you relate to it. What similar values, beliefs, and/or assumptions do you share with the speaker? (approximately 75-200 words)
  3. Spend some time browsing the Opposing Viewpoints database and select one issue you care about, read the Overview, and choose one viewpoint with which you disagree, then summarize the article and explain the informed and/or inherited values, beliefs, and/or assumptions that influence your disagreement. (approximately 75-200 words)

Be sure to fully develop and proofread your posts and avoid using the shortcuts we employ in texts, such as “i” for “I” and “u” for “you.” Standard capitalization is required. 

Part II: Reply (20 points @ 10 points each) 

Respond to posts 1-3 for TWO of your peers. To receive full credit, number your replies and write more than 1-2 sentences per number. Fully engage! Begin by introducing yourself, and remember, replies that start with “I like” rarely stimulate good conversation. Be sure to specifically address the content of each of their posts. If you agree or disagree with your peer, be sure to explain why. If you think your peer’s post is not a clear response to the directions, help them to get back on track.

Please let our CREED (Compassion, Respect, Empathy, Empowerment, and Dignity) guide your engagement with your peers. Also, try to choose someone who has not yet received a reply. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help